Handheld version
About Kudan Handheld
Mobile Mapping Dev Kit
Product Vision
Enables you to build your own simple, affordable and high-performing mobile mapping device for various environments including GNSS-denied areas.
It consists of one or two 3D-Lidars, a processing computer, a battery and a display together with point cloud generation software enabled by Kudan 3D-Lidar SLAM.
External IMU/GNSS can also be additionally fused.
What’s inside the Dev Kit
- Ouster Lidar or Hesai Lidar
- (Optional) Xsens IMU or INS
- Intel NUC
- Portable display, mouse, keyboard
- Power adapter
- Tripod + monopod, and carry harness
- Dev Kit Case
- Kudan Lidar SLAM (KdLidar)
- Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS Noetic
Variations to
cover various needs
Why choose our Dev Kit
We focus on the most fundamental functionalities and usability to bring the best price for performance in the industry.
Great accuracy with an affordable setup
- No expensive INS nor IMU required thanks to Kudan 3D-Lidar SLAM
Distruptively fast to set it up
- Ready to go within an hour after unboxing
Flexible parameter settings
- Benefit from our recommended parameter settings or tune them flexibly
Sample output
Point cloud output generated from
handheld and vehicle mapping kit
Urban area (near a station)
Indoor office
Urban residential
Underground cave