Vehicle Mount version
About Kudan Vehicle
Mobile Mapping Dev Kit
Product Vision
Enables you to build your own simple, affordable and high-performing mobile mapping device for various environments including GNSS-denied areas.
The vehicle mobile mapping kit consists of robust and reliable sensors such as a 3D-Lidar, INS, and cameras. These sensors have been handpicked to enable users to capture accurate point clouds at a much more affordable price compared to existing alternatives.
What’s inside the Dev Kit
- 3D-Lidar (multiple options available)
- (Optional) Camera:3 units
- GNSS antenna: 2 units
- Fuse Sync Box & Cables
- Mounting Frame
- Mounting Cover
- Compute: Intel NUC
- Mobile monitor
- Router
- Kudan Mapping Toolchain (for data collection)
- Kudan 3D-Lidar SLAM (for point cloud generation)
- Operation System: Ubuntu
Why choose our Dev Kit
We focus on the most fundamental functions and uses to bring the most cost-effective offering to the industry.
- Accurate and robust point clouds generation for many applications with excellent return on investment/price
- Flexible sensor choice by proprietary sensor fusion unit. Point cloud colorization is also supported.
- No need for professional skills.
Simple user interface enables easy and efficient data collection and generation. - HW can be re-used for autonomous mobility applications. Smooth migration from mapping kit to AD/ADAS kit through a simple software upgrade
Sample set up of the vehicle
mobile mapping dev kit
Mounting Cover
Mounting Frame
Sensor Fusion Unit
Sample output
Point cloud output generated from
handheld and vehicle mapping kit
Urban area (near a station)
Indoor office
Urban residential
Underground cave