
Kudan Visual SLAM and its AMR prototype to be featured in ADLINK booth at Robotics & Automation exhibition in UK


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Kudan Inc. (headquarters in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO Daiu Ko, hereafter “Kudan”) is pleased to announce that it will demonstrate autonomous mobile robot (AMR) prototypes implementing Kudan’s localization & mapping software capability at Robotics & Automation exhibition on November 2nd and 3rd in Coventry, UK. This event is the largest dedicated robotics and automation exhibition in the UK and will be held in-person.

Kudan will showcase its AMR prototypes using Kudan Visual SLAM together with ADLINK’s ROScube PICO TGL and a demo video on a screen at the ADLINK stand 322.

See below the previous article about our collaboration with ADLINK.
Kudan and ADLINK have developed an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) prototype and launched partnership to expand its presence in AMR applications

■■Event details■■
<Event name>
Robotics and Automation
November 2-3, 2021
ADLINK booth (stand 322), CBS Arena, Coventry
<Event URL>
More details about this exhibition are available at

About ADLINK Technology Inc.
ADLINK Technology Inc. (TAIEX:6166) leads edge computing, the catalyst for a world powered by artificial intelligence. ADLINK manufactures edge hardware and develops edge software for embedded, distributed, and intelligent computing – from powering medical PCs in the intensive care unit to building the world’s first high-speed autonomous racecar – more than 1600 customers around the world trust ADLINK for mission-critical success. ADLINK holds top-tier edge partnerships with Intel, NVIDIA, AWS, and SAS, and also participates on the Intel Board of Advisors, ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee, and Autoware Foundation Board. ADLINK contributes to open source, robotics, autonomous, IoT, and 5G standards initiatives within 24+ consortiums. For over 25 years, with 1800+ ADLINKers and 200+ partners, ADLINK enables the technologies of today and tomorrow. Follow ADLINK Technology on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or visit

About Kudan Inc.
Kudan (Tokyo Stock Exchange securities code: 4425) is a deep tech research and development company specializing in algorithms for artificial perception (AP). As a complement to artificial intelligence (AI), AP functions allow machines to develop autonomy. Currently, Kudan is using its high-level technical innovation to explore business areas based on its own milestone models established for deep tech which provide wide-ranging impact on several major industrial fields.
For more information, please refer to Kudan’s website at

■Company Details
Name: Kudan Inc.
Securities Code: 4425
Representative: CEO Daiu Ko

■For more details, please contact us from here.

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