
Kudan 3D-Lidar SLAM (KdLidar) new demo: Sharp point cloud with a Lidar without external GNSS nor IMU


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Utilizing an Ouster OS1-64 lidar, and just its internal IMU, we have created a demo that showcases how we can make a crisp high-resolution point cloud.

Some highlights of the demo include:
• Use of a handheld scanner with a titled lidar, which can introduce a lot of noise and fuzziness in typical point clouds generated from SLAM due to the natural vibration and movement, and limited field of view
• Sharpened definitions and flat walls of buildings and structures
• Despite the complex layout and details, power lines are captured in fine detail

While this demonstration highlights KdLidar’s basic performance without any external sensors, we can further fuse GNSS and external IMU, INS and other external references to increase the performance and quality of lidar based scanners.

Please see the demo here:

About Kudan Inc.
Kudan (Tokyo Stock Exchange securities code: 4425) is a deep tech research and development company specializing in algorithms for artificial perception (AP). As a complement to artificial intelligence (AI), AP functions allow machines to develop autonomy. Currently, Kudan is using its high-level technical innovation to explore business areas based on its own milestone models established for deep tech which provide wide-ranging impact on several major industrial fields.
For more information, please refer to Kudan’s website at

■Company Details
Name: Kudan Inc.
Securities Code: 4425
Representative: CEO Daiu Ko

■For more details, please contact us from here.

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